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CALC 1 - 10bii +100 Calculators for Finance & More

4.6 ( 8496 ratings )
Narzędzia Finanse
Desenvolvedor: CalcFxC, LLC
5.99 USD

With CALC 1 you can use the classic 10bii or 12 that you are familiar with, then when you need more, just navigate to any of the over 100 CALC 1 calculators! Switching between the calculators is easy since the stack, TVM and storage registers values are shared.

For example, use either of the classic calculators to calculate a payment, then use the CALC 1 amortization calculator for a table or graph without have to re-enter the data. CALC 1 has currency conversion, UOM conversions, easy to use Forms for TVM, Depreciation and Bond calculation and so much more!

The CALC 1 Calculators are:

* Over 100 calculators instead of just 1 found on copies of hardware calculators.
* Hundreds of solutions instead of a few dozen.
* More solutions provided by your calculator = fewer mistakes from entering formulas.

* CALC 1s calculators have fewer, larger keys and the keys you need are on the top row.
* Press and hold any key to display a hint for that key.
* Undo to recover from mistakes.
* Key Preview displays the value right on the key. Great for TVM calculations!
* Tap the “?” on any calculator or screen for documentation and examples.

* Chain, algebraic and RPN calculation modes.
* Currency and UOM conversions from any calculator.
* Recall recent results and inputs from the history list.
* Graph any of the over 60 Formula Calculators.
* List manager to view, edit, copy and paste statistical and cash flow data.
* Layouts that make the most of you iPhone or iPad, portrait, landscape, slide over and split view.
* Choose your own screen and key styles.

* Copy and paste keys to build calculators that work for YOU.
* CALC 1 uses spreadsheet compatible formulas to customize. NO programming!
* Customization saves time and reduces mistakes from entering formulas.

CALC 1 is best used for: Finance; Real Estate; Banking; Business Studies; Accounting; Statistics; General Math; Science; Pre-Algebra/Algebra

See the "Financial Calculator Comparison Chart" (link on the CALC 1 website) for a detailed comparison of features.

Partial List of Focused Calculators (in addition to the 12CP)
* TVM with annual interest rate and payments and compounding periods per year.
* TVM with odd periods and periodic rates, simple and compound.
* Math: Chain (K Key)
* Math: General (M+, %)
* Common Conversions (1 tap conversions in addition to conversion form calculator available from any calculator)
* Statistics: 1 List (Central tendency and spread)
* Statistics: 2 Lists (Correlation and line fitting)
* Financial: Bonds (Price and Yield) A/A, 30/360, A/360, A/365, e30/360, annual, semi, quarterly and call.
* Financial: Cash Flows (Cash Flow Analysis: NPV, NFV, IRR, MIRR)
* Statistics: Probabilities (Probability and statistics functions)
* Math: Trigonometry (General math and trig)
* Curve Fitting: LIN, Ln, EXP, PWR, Expnt, INV

Partial List of Formula Calculators (See support URL for complete list)
You can create a graph as a function of any independent variable.
You can create your own custom Formula Calculator.
* Percent Change
* Percent of Total
* Markup as Percent of Cost and Price
* Profit Margin
* Breakeven
* Economic Order Quantity
* Newsvendor Model
* Simple Interest Loan
* Graduated Annuities
* Normal Distribution PDF, CDF (with upper tail, 2 tails, 2 values)
* Binomial Distribution PMF, CDF
* Student T Distribution 1 and 2 tails

Form Calculators let you view all inputs and results on one form.
Some calculators apps call theirs "easy mode"
* Loan
* Time Value of Money
* Amortization
* Bonds
* Depreciation
* Currency Conversions
* UOM Conversions
* Dates

CALC 1 has more calculators and features than can be listed here. See the Support URL for more information.